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Yoga at Home

Live The Life You Have Always Dreamed Of!

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The people I serve are seeking to tap into their personal power and create a more fulfilling life. They are experiencing anxiety and stress and seeking a change that re-ignites their passion and creates opportunities they didn’t know were possible. Being healthy, both mentally and physically, is a current priority in their life. All they need is the accountability and tools that allow them to gain clarity, design their vision, and experience the true happiness they desire.

Coaching Programs


In this customized VIP one-on-one program, you will receive 12 Weekly One-hour coaching sessions, curated resources, exercises to keep you on track and accountable outside of sessions, and email support between calls. 

Nature Reflecting on Crystal Glass

The Clarity Catalyst Course is based on a Stanford University master’s

degree program that was developed in 1979 to cultivate creativity,

authenticity and self- expression.

Women Voting

CIJ Culture Catalyst Course is based on the Creativity in Business

curriculum, a proven, state-of-the-art methodology that was created by Dr.

Michael Ray at Stanford University.

Teacher and Kids in Library

CIJ For Kids & Teens

Insight For Life

A powerful course created for kids and teens where they are able to discover their unique talents, learn valuable tools and self-empowerment

techniques that prepares

them for success at school

and in life.


What My Awesome Clients Are Saying...

Misty Blevins

I have felt more energized and more in control of my food choices with Megan's guidance. Her mental rehearsal was really exciting because it is simple but makes a big impact on how I feel about making healthy habit changes to support my goals. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to create lasting habits.



Mindset Trainer

Megan is a Certified Health and Life Coach from Health Coach Institute and a Clarity Catalyst Certified Trainer. She is passionate about wellness and personal development,  building community is central and is of the utmost importance to her. Meg’s vision is to help others be inspired and live their best lives now! Her drive for helping others and giving back has led her to this meaningful work. She empowers her clients to break societal norms and helps facilitate the life of their dreams.


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